Sunday, October 26, 2008

Reason 5,582 that it's better to live other places than it is to live in the US

I mean, of course we have these so called "freedoms" in the US, right. But even in that, we're not. Who is completely free anywhere? No one.
You say something against Israel, the government or a taking serious action to make change in a certain crowd or even in the internet or on your phone, and you're a terrorist, unpatriotic or a whiny liberal. WTF?

BUT this post isn't so much about the political commentary that can be had with words. This is about another kind of warfare put on to us. It's about food warfare. Every time I've gone out of the country, I notice it and every time it makes me so sick.

How come the US is the only country that continues to put poisons in our foods? I mean, of course people should do their best to stay away from processed foods, from sodas, from juices, etc that have transfat, high fructose corn syrup, aspartame, etc. Of course. But people won't always do that.

So you might say that they are getting what they deserve then.

Well how come I can eat a cookie, drink soda/juice, have some chips, etc in Palestine or Mexico or Brazil (because those are the places out of the country I've been) and not have to worry about any of the above? More importantly, how is it that some of these things are made in the same factories that ship all around the world and have different ingredients?

Just proves even more than the folks who are really in charge in the US don't want us to be healthy. They want for us (and I don't mean the elite, I mean the working class) to be sick and then not have health insurance and put more money into the pockets of the pharmaceutical companies.

Just makes me so mad and makes me wish that not only that folks read labels more carefully, but that they took more care as to what they put into their bodies in the US. Here, no one really worries about the foods they buy in the store. Aside from folks taking into too much sugar (natural kind) or cigarettes (which is a problem that is 3 times as bad here than it is in the US because EVERYONE --men and some women-- spokes at least 2 packs a day!), they don't have to worry about other poisons in their foods. Well that and they eat more nuts, olives/olive oil and probiotics than most Americans. It's the so called "Mediterranean" diet. And having a dinner like meal for lunch, rather than later in the evening.

Aside from the evils of the Israeli government towards Palestinians, things are pretty amazing here.

Too bad I have to go back to High fructose Trans fat land in 2 days.

Lucky for me I stay away from the bad crap. Except for too much caffeine... ;/ I drink way too much coffee. Eh well. What can ya do. I'm human.

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